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            The Characters


Daughter of Captain Truegis, Leslie has spent most of her life climbing the shrouds, swabing the decks and following her papa's search for treasures. But when their most recent search for the greastest treasure goes awry, Leslie is now left to search for a ransom for her dearest treasure, her papa. Even with her deep determination and help from a few mates, will she be able to find the treasure in time to set her papa free from the greedy hearted pirate Rage de Darken? 


With deep insights and great knowledge and skill in living the life at sea, Wallace is known as the wise one of Captin Truegis's mates. With a sharp mind and quick thinking he helps lead Leslie and her mates across the sea in search of a ransom for the Captain, teaching Leslie along the way about right and wrong, strength and weakness. He is an excellent swordsmen and trick roper.


Built to carry heavy cargo and heave up the anchor, Briggs's great strength is his greatest asset to his crew. A quieter man and a true born leader, he guides his mates to work a smooth ship. 


Towering over his mates in height, Pemberly, more of the rash mate, likes things just so. He's a quick swordsmen and a speedy worker. 

His fearlessness comes in handy when the mates run into some storms. He's also one of the only remaining, of the first mates, ever aboard Captain Truegis's ship. 


You won't find a more loyal mate and friend than in Elias. His chipper attitude keeps the mates thinking and on their toes. His willingness to work and charge first into the fight for his mates is unmatchable. With devotion to his duty he's determined to see that Leslie makes it back to her father. 


Living a peaceful life with his family on Vakille's beautiful island, Arthur didn't think that life could change any time soon. But one night of pirate attacks, leaves his village burnt and broken. With only his younger brother left to him, Arthur determines to help his village in any way he can. And right now it seems the best way, is to join up with Leslie and her mates, following after a pirate's trail, perhaps even going to face the same one.  

Captain Alistar Truegis

Known as the wealthiest man to sail the seas, Captain Truegis is looking to live up to his fame by searching a deserted island, for the greatest treasure left to mankind. But when they arrive, a surprise is waiting for him. Attacked and captured by Rage de Darken, Captain Truegis is left helpless, waiting for a recuser, to return and set him free. And it appears that his fate is left in the hands of his 17 year old daughter.


Red's life at sea started when he was kidnapped as a young boy. Putting his past as a mainlander behind him, he now leads a feisty crew as one of Darken's captains. Though a pirate he holds himself with dignity and calmness. 

Rage de Darken

Driven by his greed, Darken is after a treasure of great proportions, Captin Truegis's entire treasure island. And he'll go to great measures to gain it. His strength lies in his schemes and his strong arm. An undefeated foe, Rage de Darken is used to having his way. And now put up against a captain and his daughter, there should be no problem in becoming the wealthiest man to sail the seas. 

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